Le Veau d’or

Stéphane Marti

Experimental film | France | S8 mm / video | 4:3 | color | mono | 2002 | 30'  00"
150 €

Original language: Français Screening Copy: digital
Le Veau d’Or is built up as an opera with its astounding overture and its theme that further develop into more and more sophisticated structures until it reaches its tragic ending. It is built around three mythc figures of our western civilisation : a diva, Christ and the devil. But this is not just about any diva, it deals with The diva, the only one, the diva assoluta. It does not deal with any Christ either. It neither refers to Christ the King nor to Christ the Light but a suffering and mutilated body, popular icon forkasen on the tombstones of old graveyards. But « Satan leads the dance ». This key sentence from Faust by Gounod, restructured here, in an amazing sound creation by Berndt Deprez, evoques the invisible photographer (Marcel Mazé) who takes over the identities of a couple - a pale complexion boy who is as handsome as a Canova statue and a black boy in his blazing nudity - to submit them to the bacchanal frenzy. The final is also an ode to the gay pride, more especially an ode to the North African gay community and its ability to transcend exclusion and humiliation by recreating a merry, pristine chaos where the prime energy of Eros and Thanatos circulate.


Director: Stéphane Marti

Collectif Jeune Cinéma

The Collectif Jeune Cinéma (Young Cinema Collective) is a filmmakers’ cooperative founded in Paris on June 12th 1971.

The vocation of the CJC is to distribute different and experimental films of all lengths, gathered in a catalogue that is continuously enriched by new works. This catalogue covers a very wide spectrum of aesthetics and cinematographic practices. For example, it is the only one to include experimental films made by children and young flimmakers (under 18 yo).

See distribution details here.

The CJC is also an archive for films and documents on experimental and different cinema.

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Each year, the CJC organizes the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris (a festival featuring different and experimental cinema in Paris) and schedules regular screenings each month in Paris or Île-de-France.

COLLECTIF JEUNE CINEMA,, telephone: +33 (0)7 69 61 53 57, postal address: Collectif Jeune Cinéma, c/o Commune Image, 8, rue Godillot, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France