This film departs from a theoretical research which was seeking new relations between cinema and theoretical analysis. From neorealism’s poetic, we discovered film’s possibility. From a theoretical topo : transformation figure — Verwandlung — as the one that was developped during 19th century’s last years, and that was broadcasted in Vienna and in its culture, at every levels and in every fields, in its highest artistic and semiotic elaboration of the invisible. Passage from society’s natural objectification through capital, in 19th century ideology, to socialization / perpetual contradiction / of all reality, and to hidden cores of reality in the capital itself, its measurement, its exchange relation. The question is, how the world can be dual : sex and money ; it is exactly the starting point (Der Geschlechtsteil des Geld) that we find in Rilke’ Duino Elegies, from which the film soundtrack is taken of. From this idea/obsession, the film was made, step by step, according to its material necessities.