
Gérard Cairaschi

Installation | France | color | mono | 1995 | 21'  00"

Screening Copy: DVD
The installation ‘QUINAE’, which evokes multiple voyages, could be seen as a ‘Road Movie’. If the first shots of the road are literally images of trips, the evocation of other journeys that follows is more allusive, more diverse and more unexpected: geographical, historical, literary, dreamlike, psychoanalytical, and symbolic voyages etc., not to mention the incessant movement of our gaze from one image to the next, between one image and the next. The calm and linear images of the road from the first scenes soon combine with images of flowers filmed in a violent and disorderly panoramic, opposing the open and vast shots of the road to the very tight shots of flowers and grass. Images that have the liveliness of an intoxicated body rolling around on the ground, with a savage and playful look, - unless it is in fact a terrified, panic-stricken look of someone trying to escape; or perhaps the reminiscence of a naive vision, literally at the level of daisies, eyes and body, clinging to things from their childhood, until the body and the look/expression withdraw from things, from certain contacts, from certain sensations.


Director: Gérard Cairaschi

Collectif Jeune Cinéma

The Collectif Jeune Cinéma (Young Cinema Collective) is a filmmakers’ cooperative founded in Paris on June 12th 1971.

The vocation of the CJC is to distribute different and experimental films of all lengths, gathered in a catalogue that is continuously enriched by new works. This catalogue covers a very wide spectrum of aesthetics and cinematographic practices. For example, it is the only one to include experimental films made by children and young flimmakers (under 18 yo).

See distribution details here.

The CJC is also an archive for films and documents on experimental and different cinema.

The MNEME catalogue management tool you are currently browsing has been designed to provide maximum clarity and readability for both distribution and the archive. It meets international audiovisual item indexing standards (FIAF).

Each year, the CJC organizes the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris (a festival featuring different and experimental cinema in Paris) and schedules regular screenings each month in Paris or Île-de-France.

COLLECTIF JEUNE CINEMA,, telephone: +33 (0)7 69 61 53 57, postal address: Collectif Jeune Cinéma, c/o Commune Image, 8, rue Godillot, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France