Les Mains Négatives

Marguerite Duras

Experimental film | France | 35 mm | 1.85 | color | mono | 1979 | 13'  45"
150 €

Original language: Français Screening Copy: 16 mm , digital
Shot just before dawn and uniquely composed of traveling shots, the film is a slow advance from Paris de la Republique to the Champs Elysees. The agonizing moan of Amy Flammer’s violin score mingles with the cries of love emitted from Marguerite Duras on the soundtrack. Destined for the first prehistoric men who pressed their painted hands on cave walls, but also calling out to the marginalized population of dropouts, outcasts, and emigrants. B Sarrut We filmed in the middle of august, Paris being relatively empty only one week a year. During the 45 minutes of traveling between 6:15 and 7:45 in the morning, apart from a prostitute on boulevard Magenta, the only people we saw were blacks, a couple Portuguese cleaning ladies near Opera, the ones that clean banks, a few loubards, and some homeless people. Since my youth in Indochina, I have never seen such a population of colonized people together in one place. The love, it’s addressed to them. Marguerite Duras Translation: Cameron Conover


Director: Marguerite Duras Cinematographer: Pierre Lhomme Assistant Cameraman: Michel Cennet, Eric Dumage Editor: Geneviève Dufour, Roselyne Petit Music by: Amy Flamer Narration: Marguerite Duras Sound Mixer: Dominique Hennequin Text: Marguerite Duras

Collectif Jeune Cinéma

The Collectif Jeune Cinéma (Young Cinema Collective) is a filmmakers’ cooperative founded in Paris on June 12th 1971.

The vocation of the CJC is to distribute different and experimental films of all lengths, gathered in a catalogue that is continuously enriched by new works. This catalogue covers a very wide spectrum of aesthetics and cinematographic practices. For example, it is the only one to include experimental films made by children and young flimmakers (under 18 yo).

See distribution details here.

The CJC is also an archive for films and documents on experimental and different cinema.

The MNEME catalogue management tool you are currently browsing has been designed to provide maximum clarity and readability for both distribution and the archive. It meets international audiovisual item indexing standards (FIAF).

Each year, the CJC organizes the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris (a festival featuring different and experimental cinema in Paris) and schedules regular screenings each month in Paris or Île-de-France.

COLLECTIF JEUNE CINEMA,, telephone: +33 (0)7 69 61 53 57, postal address: Collectif Jeune Cinéma, c/o Commune Image, 8, rue Godillot, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France