Electro-acoustic creation by Jean-Marc Manteau (APREM*) A concert of sounds and voices accompanying a multiscreen projection that recreates the progress of a collective memory. The plants and characters appearing on the various screens are those mentioned by the different members of a same family evoking Tunisia and Algeria, their Jesse's Garden. Pictures and sounds are manipulated in order to reproduce the memory process: obsession, reminiscences, transference, fading remembrances, changing impressions, or sudden illumination. *A.P.R.E.M.: Association Pour la Recherche et l'Expérimentation Musicale, in Nevers (laboratory for experimental electroacoustic music) Projection conditions: 2 super 8 projectors (18 ips and 24 ips, one endowed with a minimum 250 W). 2 slide projectors (carousel type). One video projector and a Beta SP player. A large screen is required (minimum 4m x5m). A good sound system (2 or 6 speakers) with a CD player.