While in NYC, home sweet home, Felix Kubin came to visit as we were still working on the feature film FElix in Wonderland, and we were asked to do a performance together at PS1. So Felix wrote a new song and I proposed to do a 2h live film shoot and the audience would watch us make a film. So I gathered my family of friends from NY and we did a sort of 16mm filmed happening that I directed live. The result is DOWNLOAD YOURSELF! SUNDAY SESSION / Film Performance at PS1/MoMA in NYC in 2019 DIRECTED BY Marie Losier SONG WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY Felix Kubin SUPPORTED BY: PS1 and MoMA/ Alex Rosenberg, Alex Sloane, Chris Masullo and Sophie Cavoulacos WITH: Sophie Cavoulacos, Tony Torn, Juliana & M.J Francis Kelly, Oleg and Dima Dubson, Guy Greenberg, Dorit & Eik Chrysler, Marianne Shaneen, Victoria Keddie, M.V Carbon, Bradley Eros, Sam, Angie & Anna Diiorio, Margarita Jimeno, Joel Schlemowitz, Rachael & Gabriel Guma Rene Abernathy, Felix Kubin, Amelie Garin Davet, Steve Dalachinsky.