Chers Émile, Louis, Auguste Georges et les autres...
Cécile Ravel
France | S8 mm | b&w/color | silent |
1995 |
45 €
Screening Copy: S8 mm , digital
A performance-projection produced for the 11th aniversary De Nevers à l'aube film Dear, Louis,Auguste, Georges and the others... An homage to the pioneers of the cinema and animation cinema. The main steps of the history of projection and the reproduction of movement are impersonated by baby Margot as she moves about on all fours. Different animation and shooting techniques are used here, all of them closed to the pioneers‚ experiments. Margot's wandering takes place on a sea shore lined with cabanas reminiscent of the film set «Around a cabana» by Émile Reynaud. One super 8 projector running at 18 images per second, minimum 250 W power together with two slide projectors (the carousel type) equipped with a manual fade-in, fade-out system. All the pictures are superimposed on one screeen only. A projection table and a tablet. A 8 to 12 meter distance. Total darkness.